Friday, March 28, 2008

Rough Day!

Whew ! What a day?? I've had it. Three kids is not a joke. Mom's not here and is in Vegas taking a well deserved vacation with her sister and nephew. Lucky mom! I've had it with these 3 kids. Not that they are naughty or overly troublesome but just the tedium of handling 3 kids can even get to a saint I imagine.

My day began at 7am. I hopped out of bed, bright eyed and bushy tailed (Okay! So, a little bit of writer's bravado is acceptable. Not exactly bushy tailed but somewhat limp tailed... Big deal!) and tackled the day. Got the boys ready by feeding them milk, got Kahini ready by changing her outfit, brushing her hair and getting her shoes laced up. Got Giri's lunch of chapathi and dhal ready and packed it in his lunch bag. Giri and Kahini left at 8:30am for a doctor's appointment. Made a hasty breakfast of oatmeal for myself and then got the boys ready for breakfast. Chapathi for Rohan and yogurt and idli for Pravan. Pravan is refusing to eat cereal as he used to a few weeks ago. Finished the boys' breakfast and cleaned the kitchen and got them in the bathtub for a soak and got them both ready for bed by 10am. Ms. Tigist my nanny arrived at 10 AM sharp and so I got a break to take a quick shower and then fed Rohan his bottle. 10:30AM, both were ready for a nap, and so I took care of Rohan and nursed him for a little bit and then put him down at 10:45AM. I did some bills and left the house to go work out at 11:45AM. Worked out with Jessica for an hour from 12:30 to 1:30 and then did some cardio for another 10 mts and then hit the road and went to Safeway for some quick groceries.

Came back home by 2pm. grabbed a quick bite to eat and then made cabbage curry and cut the plantains and microwaved them and then took a quick shower. Rohan was ready for his bottle by then, and so after feeding him, ended up nursing him for a bit and by 4pm, I was ready for the rest of the evening. Ran to the post office to do some chores, went to the video store to drop off and pick up some videos, picked up Kahini and came home by 5:45PM. The boys were ready to play by then and after making pasta for Kahini, and finishing the plantain curry, took care of all 3 for 30 minutes. Mayhem.. Mayhem. Pravan bit me and Rohan, Kahini hit Pallu and Rohan screamed at the top of his lungs for 15 mts. God, I wish I could run away to Tahiti for a few days with a blond Norse god.

Giri arrived at 6:45pm and after a few minutes of mayhem again , got Kahini ready for dinner, fed her dinner, ate my dinner and bathed Kahini and then fed Rohan and Pravan their dinner. By then it was 8:30 at night. Got Rohan and Pravan ready for the night by changing them into PJs and brushing their teeth and changing their diapers and feeding them Complan. By 9PM, took Kahini in and brushed her teeth and got her ready for bed, read Elmo Goes For A Checkup for the zillionth time and sang "Alai Payuthey" for her and got her napping by 9:50PM.

Got out and put Rohan to bed and then finally got to blogging. My sanity...

Just another day in the Gopalan household..

You know what they say! "Insanity is hereditary! You get it from your children!!!" So true!


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