Sunday, March 23, 2008

Giri tuns 42!!

I cant believe it but Giri is 42. He turned 42 on March 21st. I am officially married to a mama now. When I was a kid growing up, I always thought of 40s being way up in the coot area. I thought 20s was cool, 30s was old and anything above the 40s were ancient. Imagine my consternation that my darling hubby is 42 !!!! The funny thing is he does not feel old and I dont feel old either. I am 38 myself. Actually I feel that I am in my prime now. Better than I ever felt in my 20s.

Growing up during my teens, I was always a tad chubby so I never felt totally comfortable in cool clothes and savvy outfits. Growing up in suburban Madurai which is a big village did not help! When I reached my 20s life was a little better. I had a couple of degrees under my belt and had the vast! experience of a college grad and thought myself invincible. But the pressures of getting married and moving to a new country took its toll on me. I had to change careers , ended up going to grad school in the US and spent most of my 20s in school and trying to manage on a single income. Life was not bad but not great either. Next came my 30s - the so called Wonder Years in my life. I graduated from grad school and got a great job in Compaq. I had lots of money and ended up spending as I liked on manicures, pedicures and designer DKNY jeans..

Then came motherhood and all the associated issues with it. Life is busy but not too bad. I have kind of found my niche so to speak. I am more outspoken about the issues that I am passionate about, have more patience than before and best of all I dont give a hoot what others think. I have come to the conclusion, that people always have a say in everything we do. Be it a mom, mother in law, fried, husband or neighbor. I haven't reached the stage where my kids will start giving me input but I am sure it is not too far away.. My daughter is 3 going on 13 already and I am sure we are going to butt heads in the future. I digress, but coming back to the subject, people like to comment on everything we do. I have reached a stage, where I can brush it off and do exactly what I want to do. I dont care anymore. I think I have the age, mental maturity, confidence and right to do what I want without someone's opinion affect me. And that my friends is the key thing I have learnt in my 30s. Not to give a damn about people's opinions and just do whatever it takes to get the job done to my satisfaction.

hat is the most important lesson I have learnt in my 30s and that is to be comfortable in my own skin and I think it is the most valuable lesson of all. Coming back to Giri's birthday, he has always been very sure of himself and has never let anybody's else's ideas, opinions affect him one way or the other. I don't know if he was born that way or is it just the way he learnt to deal with people on his own. Whatever it is, he is a great guy and I am very fortunate to have him as a life partner. He is my partner in the true sense of the word and I wish him many many more happy birthdays and a long and illustrious life...


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