Monday, May 19, 2008

Thought for Today

Laws Of Success

The greatest mistake - Giving up.
The greatest crippler - Fear.
The greatest handicap - Ego.
The most potent force - Positive.
The greatest victory - Victory over the self.

I got this yesterday from a friend of mine. How apt? The last bullet made sense to me totally. The greatest victory is over oneself. Be it weight loss, lack of confidence, commitment, self esteem to name a few, most of our battles are with ourselves. With our egos, our decisions, our little circle of habits from where it is incredibly hard to step out, etc, etc..

From my 20s to my 40s I've been constantly challenged by various issues like weight loss, anger management, exaggeration and family issues to name a few. It's taken me well over a decade, almost two in fact to get in control of most of these. I am still not in total control for some issues. Still struggling. I wonder if I ever will master them. Knowing me, I would say high nigh impossible.

Anyway, when I read the thought yesterday, it suddenly struck me that a good percentage of the population is probably in the same boat with me. Struggling to win over issues one has with oneself.

Having said that I composed a list of things that I have trouble declaring victory over and I welcome the public to submit theirs. Here it goes in my particular order:

1. Weight loss!!!!!
2. Dealing with relationships.
3. Keeping up with the Joneses.
4. White lies. (Exaggeration.)
5. Self esteem.
6. Shopping.

Let me know people...


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